Hao and I have just finished eating at a Thai restaurant in SM Megamall.
We welcome you to our food blog. Maybe this is just another food blog, but I believe that it's otherwise. Why? I don't know either.
Join us as we spend the first few hundred pesos off our paychecks and enjoy a night of eating. We check out interesting food places around Metro Manila, sifting through their menu, eat the interesting stuff, and let us do the honest-to-goodness insights for you.
No, we're no experts in writing food reviews. Yes, we just have the passion to dine and give in to our seemingly-endless gastronomical desires.
So, let's raise our spoon and forks and savor life's goodness served on a plate!
Fact: How did I get the blog's name? I'm an anthropomorphic bunny with a, uhm, cute belly. Hao's about to "sketch" me soon!